Elevate your Freedom, discover untapped potential and unlock new possibilities

Transform Your Business and Strategize for Success

Start with a free strategy session today.

What is your Dream Business?

You have been in business for some time

And even though you are proud of what you have built so far.

You also know there is MORE for you out there.

You are not in the game just to earn some money.

You are in business not only for yourself.

You have mission and want to help others with what you do, whether it is your client, your family or yes, even yourself.

Do you dream of a business that gives you fulfilment, that makes impact, but also makes you a great income without working 24/7?

How would it be for you to have more freedom to spend your time how, where and with whom you want.

So maybe you are on this journey and dream of having a business on your own terms that you run and grow with more ease, you are in the right place.

Let me help you accelerate this process, so you can have that business and life sooner that you think!

Hi, I'm ZJ

Business Strategist & Coach

After working for over 10 years as a strategy and management consultant, advising businesses ranging from Start-Ups to  Fortune 500 companies,
I have made it my mission to help entrepreneurs grow and build their business on their own terms.

A profitable business with more ease.

What is the point of you having a business without feeling fulfilled and being able to do and have what you want?

I am here to guide you with the right focus and effective strategies, so that you can reach that next level business sooner that you think!

"I would highly recommend ZJ"

You simply gain more insights into your business when working with her. She provides peace of mind, structure and a sense of confidence. Very valuable!

"In 2 sessions already ZJ helped me re-calibrate my business compass."

She made me see what I couldn’t see anymore, from a different perspective. My bigger goals are still the same, but my intermediate goals to get there have changed. She helped me look through a different set of glasses and especially now in these challenging times, that is really priceless.

Every change starts with a decision.

Start yours with a Free Strategy Session.

The Bold Business Owners Podcast

Helping and guiding SME owners and Solopreneurs in their journey to a business with more ease.

Weekly episodes.

Tune in to get practical business & mindset strategies and tips that will help you create more ALIGNMENT in your business!

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